Friday, May 20, 2011

Ancestry Project Reveals Students' Genetic Ancestry


At the event, Spencer Wells, co-director of the project and a Frank H.T. Rhodes Class of '56 Professor at Cornell, summarized the analyses of the lineages and migration stories revealed in the DNA of 200 random Cornell undergraduates tested in February. He showed how they fit into the picture of humanity's migration history.
The project, which focuses exclusively on deep ancestry  and has no medical or clinical relevance, provides a great opportunity to teach the public about genetics, said Charles Aquadro, director of the Cornell Center for Comparative and Population Genomics, who co-led the project and presentation. With the current advances in life sciences, "genetics is going to become part of the fabric of our lives very quickly," he said.
With projects like these, as well as more tailored services like 23andme and, we will increasingly be able to look further back than ever before to see the commonality within everyone!


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